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  • Loveseat Torment 2 Gasmask Rebreather
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    Breathless Angel - Loveseat Torment 2  Gasmask Rebreather

    Clip Description

    Angel finds herself tied to a loveseat, and in dems will in this video series. She has no idea what is in store, but dem has a series of different torments lined up for this hour long playtime.

    dem decides to move from the vinyl bag, into a nice bit of rebreathing with the red-lens gasmask and two 3l rebreathing bags.

    Clip Duration:      9 minutes
    Format Size
    wmv126.14 MB

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    Breathless Angel - Loveseat Torment 2  Gasmask Rebreather

    Breathless Angel - Loveseat Torment 2  Gasmask Rebreather

    Breathless Angel - Loveseat Torment 2  Gasmask Rebreather

    Breathless Angel - Loveseat Torment 2  Gasmask Rebreather

    Breathless Angel - Loveseat Torment 2  Gasmask Rebreather

    Breathless Angel - Loveseat Torment 2  Gasmask Rebreather
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    Loveseat Torment 4  Water - Angel finds herself tied to a loveseat, and in dems will in this video series. She has no idea what is in store, but dem has a series of different torments lined up for this hour long playtime.

been a while since we have done some water , yeah? Let's bring it back.

    Self Bagging I - Angel practices her breathing abilities in the bag

    Self Water Bagging Full - Angel practices her water bagging. Attempt 1 was thwarted by a broken string, attempt two was better, but attempt three was used with a spandex mask. Nice.

    All Taped Up Hd - Well, it had been a long while since dem and angel had done a tape *********** video. So, why not do another one? Well, as it turns out, with the new added space available in the bonus room, it seemed perfect timing. 

unfortunately, the bonus room gets pretty warm during the summer time, so tape doesn't stick quite as well as dem would like. 

no problem... Just add more tape... And a gasmask rebreather...

    Livingroom Bound Pt Ii - Angel is in a black silk zen suit, bound with a leather harness and ropes, and sent into a frenzy of different bp methods.

    Rebreather Fun Part 2 - With angel still tied to the bed and the bags put back in place, dem decides on a little vibrating , followed by pleasure. Will angel be able to stay away long to enjoy all the play time? Or will the mask win the battle?

    Self Bagging Vi - Angel pushes herself practicing inside a bag, and decides to try a hood along with the training.

    Angels Live  Marathon Full - Over an hour and a half of full-on angel!!!

angels full recording of her now famous ********** marathon back on 22 january 2011! The show was a hit, but for those of you that haven't yet seen it, here it is! 

almost every type of ********** was used in this session, bags, latex sheets, gasmasks, hom, , gags, rebreathers, vac hoods . . . This has it all!

save over 25.00 from buying each session part seperately!

this file is almost 1.5 gigs, so please be patient while downloading!

    Loveseat Torment 1  Vinyl Hood - Angel finds herself tied to a loveseat, and in dems will in this video series. She has no idea what is in store, but dem has a series of different torments lined up for this hour long playtime.

dem thinks it would be best to start out with a vinyl bag with no openings, and take things from there.

    All Taped Up Part Iii Hd - Forget the tape, and lets wok a bit of breathlessness into the day with some gasmask rebreathing, eh? Nighty-night.

    Chair Bagged And  Part 4 - This is the only video evidence ever captured on film of the reclusive "opisthotonus" or "death pose", as described below... Nobody scientifically has ever captured this event you see at the end of this clip in a non-lethal form... Ever... So this is the rarist of rare clips in non-lethal ********

* opisthotonus - 

opisthotonus or opisthotonos, from greek roots, ὄπισθεν, opisthen meaning "behind" and τόνος tonos meaning "tension", is a state of severe hyperextension and spasticityin which an individual's head, neck and spinal column enter into a complete "bridging" or "arching" position.[1][2] opisthotonus is seen with ******** victims - called the "opisthotonic death pose".

* death pose
the cause of this posture—sometimes called a "death pose"—has been a matter of scientific debate. 
faux and padian suggested in 2007 that the live animal was suffering opisthotonus during its death throes, and that the pose is not the result of any post-mortem process at all. They also reject the idea of water as responsible for randomly arranging the bodies in a "death pose", as different parts of the body and the limbs can be in different directions, which they found unlikely to be the result of moving water.[3] they also found that the claim that drying out of ligaments would make the position does not seem believable either.

    Loveseat Torment 3   And Rebreather Hood - Angel finds herself tied to a loveseat, and in dems will in this video series. She has no idea what is in store, but dem has a series of different torments lined up for this hour long playtime.

a little bit of *******, manual stimulation, and then top it all off with a nice rebreather hood. . . Yeah, that sounds good.

    Angels Live  Marathon Part Viii - In part vii, angel gets the gas mask strapped on with the hose and rebreather bag. It doesn't take long for her to become light-headed, and dem is just soaking it up.

    Angels Live  Marathon Part Ix - Part viii of the marathon brings us to a close of the gas mask rebreather. Angel is on her way to passing out when her chest begins to hurt, so dem ends the rebreather play. Asking if she is ready to stop, angel says no, and says that she wants to finish what she started. 

angel is a trooper, and the show must go on. 

angel was not medically hurt in this marathon, just merely exhausted. She was checked by a doctor and was cleared with a full bill of health. 

please do not attempt anything seen in this marathon or on the breathless angel studio.

    Loveseat Torment 6  Manual Breathlessness - Angel finds herself tied to a loveseat, and in dems will in this video series. She has no idea what is in store, but dem has a series of different torments lined up for this hour long playtime.

nothing better than ending a session with some great manual breathlessness and masturbation, don't you agree?

    Firefighter Mask Rebreathing Part 1 - Ankles bound with shackles and the pretty red ribbon around her waist, do you think she knows what’s in store?  Probably not, as she gets tickled before the gas mask gets put on her face.  She finds out fast that the bag doesn’t hold as much air as she thinks, as she starts breathing hard fast, but there is reprieve for a few moments, until the air is completely blocked from her for a few moments and she loses her bearings for a few moments but the teasing goes on.

    Angel Vs The Rebreathers Part Ii - Angel continues her fight against the 5l rebreather bag. She's not just losing the battle here people, she'd going to lose the whole war . . .

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